Martin County Government, Indiana

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Yearly Tax Collection Totals (Taxing Entities)

Starting Tax Year:       Ending Tax Year:

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Collection Totals for : Totals for all Entities
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  3,782,719.06   3,684,704.37   97.4%   4,031,827.25   3,860,276.34   95.7% 
  State and Local Credits  271,792.95   271,792.95   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  349,431.18   322,142.76   92.2%   350,743.59   298,019.63   85.0% 
  Penalty  70,469.79   50,471.42   71.6%   72,387.29   39,049.85   53.9% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Special Assessment, Installment Tax  11,465.80   11,448.20   99.8%   30,273.84   3,856.57   12.7% 
  Special Assessment, Installment Tax, Prev Years  96.00   48.00   50.0%   93.10   45.10   48.4% 
  Special Assessment, Penalty  101.21   78.01   77.1%   2,867.66   199.72   7.0% 
  Special Assessment, Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Special Assessment, Interest  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  4,486,075.99   4,340,685.71   96.8%   4,488,192.73   4,201,447.21   93.6% 
  Installment Tax  3,782,719.06   3,556,132.64   94.0%   4,031,105.23   1,294,368.50   32.1% 
  State and Local Credits  271,792.91   271,792.91   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Special Assessment, Installment Tax  1,465.80   1,438.30   98.1%   3,062.31   500.70   16.4% 
  Special Assessment, Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Special Assessment, Interest  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Recharge, Tax, Interest, Costs  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Tax Sale Costs / Misc Fees  434,611.43   144,602.58   33.3%   416,316.95   169,289.35   40.7% 
  Fall Totals  4,490,589.20   3,973,966.43   88.5%   4,450,484.49   1,464,158.55   32.9% 
  Yearly Totals  8,976,665.19   8,314,652.14   92.6%   8,938,677.22   5,665,605.76   63.4% 
  TIF Installments  131,288.44   131,288.44   100.0%   111,744.26   60,486.07   54.1% 
  TIF State and Local Credits  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Combined Yearly Totals  8,564,367.77   7,902,354.72   92.3%   9,050,421.48   5,726,091.83   63.3% 

Collection Totals for : County
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  1,144,882.30   1,116,138.16   97.5%   1,210,605.15   1,159,371.66   95.8% 
  State and Local Credits  80,910.99   80,910.99   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  99,014.07   91,703.11   92.6%   100,229.69   85,753.33   85.6% 
  Penalty  19,795.97   14,408.40   72.8%   20,305.38   10,859.72   53.5% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  1,344,603.33   1,303,160.66   96.9%   1,331,140.22   1,255,984.71   94.4% 
  Installment Tax  1,144,882.30   1,079,764.27   94.3%   1,210,479.78   387,813.13   32.0% 
  State and Local Credits  80,910.97   80,910.97   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  1,225,793.27   1,160,675.24   94.7%   1,210,479.78   387,813.13   32.0% 
  Yearly Totals  2,570,396.60   2,463,835.90   95.9%   2,541,620.00   1,643,797.84   64.7% 

Collection Totals for : Township Center
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  23,206.60   22,661.90   97.7%   24,553.27   22,881.47   93.2% 
  State and Local Credits  1,686.74   1,686.74   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  2,198.07   2,053.24   93.4%   1,799.87   1,492.92   82.9% 
  Penalty  426.50   307.79   72.2%   460.28   205.15   44.6% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  27,517.91   26,709.67   97.1%   26,813.42   24,579.54   91.7% 
  Installment Tax  23,206.60   21,979.38   94.7%   24,542.98   8,248.07   33.6% 
  State and Local Credits  1,686.74   1,686.74   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  24,893.34   23,666.12   95.1%   24,542.98   8,248.07   33.6% 
  Yearly Totals  52,411.25   50,375.79   96.1%   51,356.40   32,827.61   63.9% 

Collection Totals for : Township Halbert
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  40,449.74   39,618.48   97.9%   44,246.93   41,498.56   93.8% 
  State and Local Credits  1,451.78   1,451.78   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  2,330.97   1,975.91   84.8%   3,533.60   3,046.71   86.2% 
  Penalty  557.13   323.19   58.0%   885.23   431.07   48.7% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  44,789.62   43,369.36   96.8%   48,665.76   44,976.34   92.4% 
  Installment Tax  40,449.74   38,243.03   94.5%   44,246.93   9,933.01   22.4% 
  State and Local Credits  1,451.78   1,451.78   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  41,901.52   39,694.81   94.7%   44,246.93   9,933.01   22.4% 
  Yearly Totals  86,691.14   83,064.17   95.8%   92,912.69   54,909.35   59.1% 

Collection Totals for : Township Lost River
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  13,987.45   13,701.09   98.0%   14,793.95   14,599.91   98.7% 
  State and Local Credits  656.40   656.40   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  865.97   856.29   98.9%   901.11   795.50   88.3% 
  Penalty  158.63   125.53   79.1%   181.97   138.49   76.1% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  15,668.45   15,339.31   97.9%   15,877.03   15,533.90   97.8% 
  Installment Tax  13,987.45   13,304.68   95.1%   14,793.95   5,070.84   34.3% 
  State and Local Credits  656.40   656.40   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  14,643.85   13,961.08   95.3%   14,793.95   5,070.84   34.3% 
  Yearly Totals  30,312.30   29,300.39   96.7%   30,670.98   20,604.74   67.2% 

Collection Totals for : Township Mitcheltree
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  20,868.45   19,492.93   93.4%   26,361.36   25,175.33   95.5% 
  State and Local Credits  662.67   662.67   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  1,881.65   1,744.64   92.7%   4,289.63   4,053.19   94.5% 
  Penalty  465.36   271.24   58.3%   665.81   463.03   69.5% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  23,878.13   22,171.48   92.9%   31,316.80   29,691.55   94.8% 
  Installment Tax  20,868.45   18,373.61   88.0%   26,361.36   11,250.29   42.7% 
  State and Local Credits  662.67   662.67   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  21,531.12   19,036.28   88.4%   26,361.36   11,250.29   42.7% 
  Yearly Totals  45,409.25   41,207.76   90.7%   57,678.16   40,941.84   71.0% 

Collection Totals for : Township Perry
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  40,951.78   39,911.65   97.5%   42,176.42   40,999.28   97.2% 
  State and Local Credits  4,038.38   4,038.38   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  3,784.40   3,580.51   94.6%   3,284.13   2,897.05   88.2% 
  Penalty  694.89   554.82   79.8%   512.45   287.91   56.2% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  49,469.45   48,085.36   97.2%   45,973.00   44,184.24   96.1% 
  Installment Tax  40,951.78   38,895.20   95.0%   42,176.42   15,567.40   36.9% 
  State and Local Credits  4,038.38   4,038.38   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  44,990.16   42,933.58   95.4%   42,176.42   15,567.40   36.9% 
  Yearly Totals  94,459.61   91,018.94   96.4%   88,149.42   59,751.64   67.8% 

Collection Totals for : Township Rutherford
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  14,526.89   14,334.68   98.7%   15,122.24   14,385.21   95.1% 
  State and Local Credits  870.30   870.30   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  1,374.35   1,279.16   93.1%   981.51   646.82   65.9% 
  Penalty  270.01   222.07   82.2%   266.08   107.84   40.5% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  17,041.55   16,706.21   98.0%   16,369.83   15,139.87   92.5% 
  Installment Tax  14,526.89   13,823.34   95.2%   15,122.24   3,521.29   23.3% 
  State and Local Credits  870.30   870.30   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  15,397.19   14,693.64   95.4%   15,122.24   3,521.29   23.3% 
  Yearly Totals  32,438.74   31,399.85   96.8%   31,492.07   18,661.16   59.3% 

Collection Totals for : City/Town - Corporation Loogootee
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  319,189.47   312,211.65   97.8%   325,803.63   313,693.13   96.3% 
  State and Local Credits  29,314.56   29,314.56   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  41,417.93   38,632.52   93.3%   30,970.27   26,242.42   84.7% 
  Penalty  7,096.06   5,361.07   75.6%   6,339.02   3,906.98   61.6% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  397,018.02   385,519.80   97.1%   363,112.92   343,842.53   94.7% 
  Installment Tax  319,189.47   296,952.18   93.0%   325,803.63   95,839.99   29.4% 
  State and Local Credits  29,314.56   29,314.56   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  348,504.03   326,266.74   93.6%   325,803.63   95,839.99   29.4% 
  Yearly Totals  745,522.05   711,786.54   95.5%   688,916.55   439,682.52   63.8% 

Collection Totals for : City/Town - Corporation Crane
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  22,813.74   21,460.81   94.1%   26,145.12   24,060.28   92.0% 
  State and Local Credits  697.78   697.78   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  4,738.92   4,435.83   93.6%   5,289.52   3,861.89   73.0% 
  Penalty  1,079.05   833.11   77.2%   1,167.67   662.18   56.7% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  29,329.49   27,427.53   93.5%   32,602.31   28,584.35   87.7% 
  Installment Tax  22,813.74   18,786.77   82.3%   26,145.12   7,899.91   30.2% 
  State and Local Credits  697.78   697.78   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  23,511.52   19,484.55   82.9%   26,145.12   7,899.91   30.2% 
  Yearly Totals  52,841.01   46,912.08   88.8%   58,747.43   36,484.26   62.1% 

Collection Totals for : City/Town - Corporation Shoals
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  106,688.01   101,122.62   94.8%   110,172.12   104,471.03   94.8% 
  State and Local Credits  7,741.54   7,741.54   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  15,851.06   12,906.32   81.4%   18,026.85   14,005.67   77.7% 
  Penalty  4,738.61   2,457.45   51.9%   4,855.71   2,334.57   48.1% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  135,019.22   124,227.93   92.0%   133,054.68   120,811.27   90.8% 
  Installment Tax  106,688.01   96,627.02   90.6%   109,812.11   46,992.74   42.8% 
  State and Local Credits  7,741.54   7,741.54   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  114,429.55   104,368.56   91.2%   109,812.11   46,992.74   42.8% 
  Yearly Totals  249,448.77   228,596.49   91.6%   242,866.79   167,804.01   69.1% 

Collection Totals for : Schools Shoals
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  848,160.20   824,359.20   97.2%   950,409.43   900,071.71   94.7% 
  State and Local Credits  39,882.34   39,882.34   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  62,881.87   56,703.55   90.2%   84,788.84   74,049.89   87.3% 
  Penalty  14,071.10   8,920.42   63.4%   18,953.20   10,234.45   54.0% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  964,995.51   929,865.51   96.4%   1,054,151.47   984,356.05   93.4% 
  Installment Tax  848,160.20   794,788.59   93.7%   950,195.55   289,105.21   30.4% 
  State and Local Credits  39,882.34   39,882.34   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  888,042.54   834,670.93   94.0%   950,195.55   289,105.21   30.4% 
  Yearly Totals  1,853,038.05   1,764,536.44   95.2%   2,004,347.02   1,273,461.26   63.5% 

Collection Totals for : Schools Loogootee
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  1,042,877.00   1,019,195.60   97.7%   1,104,586.28   1,067,860.56   96.7% 
  State and Local Credits  93,722.51   93,722.51   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  100,642.72   94,743.84   94.1%   85,407.79   71,579.05   83.8% 
  Penalty  18,625.38   14,875.05   79.9%   15,543.32   8,215.91   52.9% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  1,255,867.61   1,222,537.00   97.3%   1,205,537.39   1,147,655.52   95.2% 
  Installment Tax  1,042,877.00   988,681.37   94.8%   1,104,586.28   369,061.42   33.4% 
  State and Local Credits  93,722.50   93,722.50   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  1,136,599.50   1,082,403.87   95.2%   1,104,586.28   369,061.42   33.4% 
  Yearly Totals  2,392,467.11   2,304,940.87   96.3%   2,310,123.67   1,516,716.94   65.7% 

Collection Totals for : Library Loogootee
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  78,890.94   77,099.49   97.7%   81,408.92   78,702.20   96.7% 
  State and Local Credits  7,089.86   7,089.86   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  7,613.36   7,167.12   94.1%   6,294.63   5,275.44   83.8% 
  Penalty  1,408.96   1,125.25   79.9%   1,145.55   605.51   52.9% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  95,003.12   92,481.72   97.3%   88,849.10   84,583.15   95.2% 
  Installment Tax  78,890.94   74,791.17   94.8%   81,408.92   27,200.14   33.4% 
  State and Local Credits  7,089.86   7,089.86   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  85,980.80   81,881.03   95.2%   81,408.92   27,200.14   33.4% 
  Yearly Totals  180,983.92   174,362.75   96.3%   170,258.02   111,783.29   65.7% 

Collection Totals for : Library Shoals
  Description 2022 Pay 2023 2023 Pay 2024
Charges Paid Recv Charges Paid Recv
  Installment Tax  65,226.47   63,396.10   97.2%   55,442.45   52,505.98   94.7% 
  State and Local Credits  3,067.09   3,067.09   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Installment Tax, Prev Years  4,835.84   4,360.71   90.2%   4,946.18   4,319.73   87.3% 
  Penalty  1,082.12   686.02   63.4%   1,105.64   597.02   54.0% 
  Fees  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Spring Totals  74,211.52   71,509.92   96.4%   61,494.27   57,422.73   93.4% 
  Installment Tax  65,226.47   61,122.02   93.7%   55,429.97   16,865.04   30.4% 
  State and Local Credits  3,067.09   3,067.09   100.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Penalty  0.00   0.00   0.0%   0.00   0.00   0.0% 
  Fall Totals  68,293.56   64,189.11   94.0%   55,429.97   16,865.04   30.4% 
  Yearly Totals  142,505.08   135,699.03   95.2%   116,924.24   74,287.77   63.5%